Jul 31, 2012

What Is IT?

Whatever IT is; IT has to be worth it.

Whatever you want so desperately to achieve has to be worth all your energy.

IT has to be worth all your time.

IT has to be worth all of you.

If IT is not worth this, then IT is not worthy.

If IT is not so important that you would not give all of your being to IT's fulfillment, then it isn't IT.

Jul 30, 2012

Be Held Accountable

When you tell your friends and/or family about your desires you create accountability.

This accountability will make you strive harder to reach the fulfillment of your desires.

Hopefully your friends/family will be supportive of you and your desires. But if not, they're still your desires and you're still held accountable.

Make them public. And then make them real.

Jul 29, 2012

A Heroic Attitude

When darkness reaches its peak, and life puts a whoopin' on your spirit so good that throwing in the towel of defeat appears to be the only way out; let your attitude be your hero.

Let attitude lead the way.

Jul 28, 2012

Obstacles Are Valuable

Obstacles are valuable.

They hold within them the power to make you stronger and wiser.

Should an obstacle arise, it is your duty to face it with confidence and optimism.

It is your duty to believe in the best possible outcome.

External obstacles can be easily overcome from within.

Jul 27, 2012

The Small Things

Celebrate your positive habits.

These are the essential elements of success and happiness.

Doing the small, yet powerful and necessary tasks of the day make all the difference.

Keep at the small things and do not waiver.

Habitual practice separates the winners from the losers.

Jul 26, 2012

Keep Your Focus

There is always a way.

Even when you cannot see the path, it's there. It's always been there.

Move in faith that achievement is inevitable.

Keep your focus.

Patience is a virtue.

Jul 25, 2012

Whatever It Takes

Go after that dream of yours with everything you've got.

Do not walk casually to it. No.

You must exude passion and energy. You must be willing to delay gratification. You must do whatever it takes.You must chase your dream down on the back of a cheetah if you have to.

You must persist until you win.

Jul 24, 2012

It's About Attitude

It is attitude that makes the difference.

Whatever the situation; attitude will direct your experience.

If you keep your attitude constructive and optimistic, then this shall be your experience.

It is only when you displace positive thoughts with counterproductive thoughts that your feelings and attitude become negatively affected.

When you change your thoughts you change your attitude.

For better or better.

Jul 23, 2012

Write Goals Daily

Life is more fun when you're working toward your goals.

Remember to write your goals down every single day without fail.

When you rise in the morning, grab a pen and a sheet of paper and begin writing your goals.

Rewrite each specific goal every morning until you reach it's achievement.

Once you successfully obtain a goal, replace it with a new goal.

Repeat this process every single day for the rest of your life.

This itself is a goal worth realizing.

Jul 22, 2012

Do Not Fear

The fear is not real!

Do not allow the anticipation of pain to block you from moving forward.

Take action!

Do not let fear cripple your spirit and halt your progression in life.

Do IT anyway!

Look fear in the face, smile, and then proceed to take action.

Remember, action leads to results.

It's up to you.

Jul 21, 2012

Don't Underestimate Yourself

The following is worth quoting.

"If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.”

-T. Harv Eker

Jul 20, 2012

The Success Truth

Assume the following to be true.

Actions are dictated by feelings. And success in life is dictated by actions.

If true, then success in life is directly linked to feelings.

Feelings are dictated by thoughts.

If true, then success in life is dictated by thoughts and the feelings they create.

Right? Good.

What then dictates thoughts?

Jul 19, 2012

Be Of Service

Want to get more out of life?

If yes, do your very best to be of service to others.

Be a giver.

The more service you provide, the more rewards you will receive.

The more you put in, the more you get out.

This is as simple a concept as any.

Jul 18, 2012

Show Some Gratitude

Be thankful for your time here.

All too often we forget to appreciate the small things in life.

Make it a point to express gratitude in someway everyday.

Not only will the act of expressing gratitude make you feel good, but when you give thanks to another person you automatically have a positive effect on their day.

Promise not to lose sight of the small things.

Be thankful.

Do not take life for granted.

Jul 17, 2012

Guard Your Treasure

You must deliberately protect your mind from outside forces.

Photos, videos, music and dialogue of a destructive nature must be blocked.

All media that is not of value and constructive by design should be removed from your daily activities.

Destructive content makes an impression on the subconscious mind much like positive content does.

Be careful not to expose yourself to negativity.

Work at feeding your mind only the best and brightest material.

Jul 16, 2012

Your Desires Now

Your goals and desires are near.

Don't give up. Don't look down.

Know that the desires you seek take time to sprout.

Be strong.

Be patient.

Focus on results.

Give your best effort everyday.

Jul 15, 2012

A Wonderful Day

Be upbeat and enthusiastic about life!

Go about your day with a smile on your face and a spark in your voice.

Walk, talk and act like you just won the lottery; like you just accomplished a major life goal.

Let people hear you laugh.

Show them that today is a wonderful day to be alive.

Because it is.

Jul 14, 2012

Talk To Yourself

Believe in yourself even when no one else does.

Talk to yourself. Tell yourself that you can do anything. Tell yourself that it's okay to dream. Tell yourself that it's possible to have the life you want.

Do everything to keep your spirits high and your thoughts constructive.

Never give up on you.

Even when everyone else does.

Jul 13, 2012

Own Your Mind

Your mind is your responsibility.

Take ownership of it.

Feed your mind the best brain food.

Give it daily exercise.

Be choosey of who it hangs around.

Treat your mind like the treasure it is.

Because no one else will.

Jul 12, 2012

Be More Valuable

Become more valuable.

Read and invest time in learning new subjects.

Listen to educational audiobooks and podcasts.

Get involved with your local community and meet new, interesting people.

Devote yourself to learning a new language.

Remember, the more you know; the more you grow.

Jul 11, 2012

Willing To Do

Oh yes, determination is most definitely required.

If you want to obtain your desires and turn your dreams into reality you must be determined and committed to the effort it takes to realize the results you want.

You must be willing to sweat. You must be willing to hurt. You must be willing to go the extra mile. You must be willing.

And then you must do.

Jul 10, 2012

5 Easy Affirmations

Repeating aloud the following affirmations is a great way to start and conclude any day.

Say to yourself:

- My mind is calm.

- My thoughts are under my control.

- I am healthy, happy and optimistic.

- I am surrounded by love.

- Good things are suppose to happen to me.

Jul 9, 2012

Good Luck Charm

The definition of luck is often said to be, "when preparedness meets opportunity."

If this is true this means the only such luck that exists is that which is deliberately created by you. This means that every conscious step you take to better yourself physically, academically and spiritually will inevitably lead to the manifestation of luck.

Opportunities are abound.

All you must do is prepare yourself.

Jul 8, 2012

IT Is Waiting

Sometimes the best thing to do is IT. Whatever IT is.

Waiting around for perfect and ideal conditions before taking action is counterproductive.

Get started. Make a move. Test the waters.

Giving IT a shot is the only way to score.


Jul 7, 2012

Smile For It

Keep at it!

When it rains, smile.

When it snows, smile.

There is no reason to let that which you cannot control get you down. That would be a waste of your valuable time and energy.

Instead, smile.

It will prove 100% more useful and cost you considerably less.

Jul 5, 2012

Face Of Adversity

Focus in the face of adversity.

Often times obstacles and unforeseen events can temporarily derail even the most focused and concentrated of us.

It is important not to spend too much time, energy and thought on these adversities.

Rather, switch focus back onto your goals. Keep your desires at the forefront of your thoughts.

This is undoubtedly a better use of your mind.



Jul 4, 2012

Practice Self-Discipline

The most rewarding of all habits is self-discipline.

As with any habit, self-discipline takes practice. It is developed through daily, conscious and deliberate application.

Resolve to be self-disciplined. Refuse to deviate.

It is with self-discipline that achievement is realized.

As Napoleon Hill states, "with self-discipline, all things are possible."

Jul 3, 2012

The Mind Expansion

The following is worth quoting.

"Knowledge is the primary source of value in our world today and your ability to expand your mind and devote yourself to lifelong learning is the key to breaking any success barriers that may be in front of you."

-Brian Tracy

Two Steps Forward

Stepping outside of your comfort zone takes courage. You need a certain type of audacity to even consider such a move. But luckily for us, when we remove ourselves from the ordinary and get a little uncomfortable; our world opens up. New opportunities and possibilities begin to present themselves in the most unconventional of ways. It is at this point that dreams become realities.

It is from this point that I compose this first post.