Aug 31, 2012

Reflect On Today

Reflect on the day. Everyday.

By doing so, you are sure to identify some key areas of growth and improvement.

Was the day productive and progressive?

Did you check off every task on your daily list of responsibilities?

Did you learn something new?

Reserve some quiet time in the evening (just before resting), to reflect on the day's events.

Be thankful and appreciative to have had the opportunity to experience life once more.

Aug 30, 2012

Ideas And Reality

Have you ever recognized that every thing man creates on Earth finds its beginning as an idea from within the mind?

Reality then is but the manifestation of ideas and imagination.

This idea alone is fascinating.

Aug 29, 2012

Understand The Cause

The ebb and the flow. Whichever you are currently experiencing, be sure to learn something here.

No matter the circumstance, there is always a lesson present. There is always an understanding worth uncovering.

Be a seeker of understanding. Wisdom is won in this way.

Aug 28, 2012

Push, Dig, Do

Push yourself to dig a little deeper. Do a little more each day. See how far you can stretch.

When you begin to fatigue, remember that your second wind is only a second away.

Keep at it.

You'll discover there are third, fourth and fifth winds too.

Aug 27, 2012

Twice The Person

Whatever disadvantages you perceive for yourself, get rid of them.

I recently met a state wrestling champion. And if you know anything about scholastic wrestling, then you know what a feat it is to win states.

As a former high school wrestler, I was inspired by meeting this state champ; someone who was able to win the big one.

Then I found out that this person is actually a two-time state champ!

Two times!

Two times winning the big one. Can you imagine?


And then...guess what.

Then I discover that this two-time state wrestling champ doesn't even have any thumbs!

No thumbs!

Neither thumb exists.


I mean talk about guts, determination and discipline. This young lady is a true inspiration.

I am thankful to have met her.

Aug 26, 2012

Ask For Wisdom

Ask not for divine providence.

Instead, ask for more wisdom with which to accept and use wisely the riches you received at birth; in the form of the power to control and direct your mind to whatever ends you desire.

Aug 25, 2012

But Not You

The following is worth quoting:

"Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you."

-Jim Rohn

Aug 24, 2012

Taking Life's Tests

Life will test you.

Sometimes you'll be able to recognize it as its happening, other times afterward.

The important thing to take away from the test is not only the score, but the subtle ways in which you take the test.

How do you move? How do you breathe? Are you prepared?

Aug 23, 2012

The Teacher's Speech

Stop talking and listen.

When the teacher speaks; keep quiet, reserve yourself, listen attentively, and remain present in their speech until they have concluded.

You are certain to learn something.

Aug 22, 2012

A Thoughtful Poem

"Thought in the mind hath made us, What we are 
By thought was wrought and built. If a man's mind
Hath evil thoughts, pain comes on him as comes 
The wheel the ox behind....
..If one endure

In purity of thought, joy follows him
As his own shadow—sure."

Aug 21, 2012

An Energy Within

There is an energy within you that seeks expression and wishes to share itself with the world.

It must be allowed to flow freely. It must come through you.

Your body is the vehicle.

Your mind is the navigator.

Your spirit is the driver.

Unlock the door!

Aug 20, 2012

Things You Say

The things you say mean a great deal.

Your speech has tremendous power over your life experiences. And so it is wise to speak in the highest of light, always.

Instead of saying you "can't" do something, speak of the things you can do.

Instead of saying you "don't" want something, speak of that which you do want.

Slight changes in vocabulary can create major changes in the results you produce.

Aug 19, 2012

Language Of Choice

Someone once said, "language is the software of the mind." And I agree.

You must be conscious not only of the words and language of others, but you must consistently monitor your own usage of language.

When you speak, whether internally or externally, you are impressing your world with either constructive or destructive energy.

Choose your words wisely.

Mama once said, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." And I agree.

Aug 18, 2012

Take Charge Now

If there is something you want, take action towards it now!

You may not get it over night, but the moment you take action toward having it, the sooner you'll receive it.

Without action you'll have a difficult time realizing anything in life.

So take charge now! Get moving.

Baby steps are still steps.

Aug 17, 2012

Use Mind Sight

Your imagination is a wonderful tool. Use it.

Allow yourself to day dream more.

Your mind sight is always there for you when your eye sight isn't very clear.

Aug 16, 2012

The Note Card

What makes you keep at your dream relentlessly?

What is it that drives you?

What makes everything worth it?

Whatever you answer; write it down. Put it on a note card. And bring this note card everywhere you go.

When you become tired, confused and dispirited; make decisions by this card.

Let this be your constant reminder.

Keep it in the front of your mind, always.

Aug 15, 2012

Experience The Essence

Experience the essence of accomplishment now.

Whatever goal or dream you seek to realize carries with it a certain essence.

In short, the essence of a desire is the feelings it offers.

For example, a goal of owning and operating your own successful business might carry with it the essence of independence.

Finding ways to experience the feeling of independence now, prior to reaching your dream, will help you realize it quicker.

Discover the true essence of what you want, and then find ways to experience those feelings today.

Aug 14, 2012

Always Follow Through

Following through is a requirement.

This means that planning tomorrow prior to today's end is not enough. It means that writing down tomorrow's action plan is only the start.

It means that you must stick to the script. You must follow through on your plan without waiving. No excuses. No buts.

You must!

Aug 13, 2012

Live And Grow

Life is about growing!

Expanding the mind and developing thyself to be everything thy can be is a journey few take. Yet, this is what makes life so amazingly worthwhile.

The possibilities in life are unlimited. Yet, so many people limit theirselves with poor mental conditioning.

Life is for living!

Do not let life slip away without experiencing it first.

Aug 12, 2012

Never Give Up

The following is worth quoting:

“Don't ever give up.
Don't ever give in.
Don't ever stop trying.
Don't ever sell out.
And if you find yourself succumbing to one of the above for a brief moment,
pick yourself up, brush yourself off, whisper a prayer, and start where you left off.
But never, ever, ever give up.”

-Richelle E. Goodrich

Aug 11, 2012

Monitor Your Relationships

Be mindful of your relationships.

The people you associate with can either help you or hinder you.

Continuously monitor your relationships. Which ones increase your level of energy and optimism? Which ones deplete your energy and leave you unmotivated?

If you identify a relationship as harmful and counterproductive to your personal growth, then remove yourself from it.

On the other hand, if you consider a relationship to be helpful, healthy and positive, then magnify it.

Aug 10, 2012

Choice Of Habits

We are creatures of habituation.

Whether positive or negative; your habits shape the results you experience in life.

If you want to be excellent in a certain area in life, you can develop habits of excellence. If you rather be mediocre, you can choose to entertain habits of mediocrity.

Habituation is always your choice.

Aug 9, 2012

Subconscious Mind Program

Here's the are programmed. (gasp)

Whether you realize it or not, your subconscious mind operates like a computer. Whatever the computer is programmed to do, it will do. Whatever programs are running in the background are the same programs controlling your life.

So, whether you are the programmer, or life and your environment are the programmers, you are programmed.

If you wish to make any significant change in your life; if you wish to grow yourself into the best you that you can be, you must first become the programmer. You must reclaim your mind.

Once you have made the conscious decision to be the sole programmer of your subconscious mind, it is your responsible to ONLY run programs that are positive, motivational, inspirational and productive.

And then run these programs everyday.

Aug 8, 2012

You Are Reality

Dare to dream.

Dreams are the stuff that reality is made of.

Dare to be a better you.

You are the stuff that dreams are made of.

Aug 7, 2012

It's Your Lifetime

The time keeps ticking.

Whether you decide to act on your dreams or not, the clock won't stop.

I implore you to use your time to create value. Make very minute count. And do not be wasteful of your blessing.

One day your time will run out; it must. And on this day your physical presence will flee from Earth.

What is it of value that you will leave behind?

What will the world know of your lifetime?

Aug 6, 2012

Move Into Action

Go now!

Do not wait for ideal circumstances to show up before you take action on what ever you wish to be, do or have. There is a possibility that ideal circumstances will never arrive.

Just go!

All lights do not have to be green before you can go. You can always fix things and make any necessary adjustments as you grow.

Bet on yourself. Get moving!

Do it now!

Aug 5, 2012

Time To Rejuvenate

Reserve time to rejuvenate yourself.

If you are continuously working hard on your dreams and dedicating yourself to greatness; you deserve a little down time.

Take it.

Your mind, body and spirit will thank you.

Aug 4, 2012

Imagine The Present

The imagination can be a distraction.

Don't get me wrong; the imagination is a useful and necessary tool. And when you use it to envision the results of your hard work you do yourself a great service.

It is when you totally dismiss the present that the imagination becomes a distraction.

There is a difference between living in the moment and living for the moment.

Don't miss out on the simple, daily joys of life.

Live in the moment.

Aug 3, 2012

Life Is Watching

Life responds to what you are.

What you get out of life is determined by what you are, and not what you want.

If you want more of something in life then you must be more.

Grow yourself and give unconditionally before you ever think of taking out.

Be all of you that you can be.

Life is watching.

Aug 2, 2012

Small Victories Count

Sometimes we can get so caught up in accomplishing our major goals that we forget about the smaller accomplishments that we make along the way.

Don't overlook the small victories.

If it weren't for these successes there would be no major accomplishments.

Celebrate every victory. Big or small.

Doing this will keep you motivated to accomplish more

Aug 1, 2012

The Unreasonable Man

The following is worth quoting.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable
one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man."

-George Bernard Shaw